(2019): Effects of Acute Stress on Social Behavior in Women Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019, 99, pp. 137-144. ISSN 0306-4530. eISSN 1873-3360. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.08.031
Acute stress is known to increase prosocial behavior in men via a “tend-and-befriend” pattern originally proposed as a specifically female stress response alongside the fight-or-flight response. However, the direct effects of acute stress on women’s social behavior have not been investigated. Applying the Trier Social Stress Test for groups (TSST-G), 94 women were confronted with either a stress or control condition. We repeatedly measured their subjective stress responses, salivary cortisol, and heart rate, and investigated their level of trust, trustworthiness, sharing, punishment and non-social risk using social decision paradigms. We detected significant increases in all stress parameters, as well as the wish for closeness during the stress condition. Acute stress exposure elevated prosocial trustworthiness and sharing without affecting non-social risk behavior. These results are in line with findings on the effects of stress in men, and further validate the tend-and-befriend pattern as one possible behavioral response during stress in humans.
(2019): Language and decoding skills in Greek-English primary school bilingual children : effects of language dominance, contextual factors and cross-language relationships between the heritage and the majority language Frontiers in Communication. 2019, 4, 65. eISSN 2297-900X. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00065
Bilingual children are a heterogeneous population, as the amount of input and use of their languages may differ due to various factors, for example, the status of each language (majority, minority), which language is used in the school, and whether children are acquiring literacy in one or both languages. Their language ability depends to a large extent on the use of each language and on whether they each language at the same rate. The aim of the study was to investigate how primary school bilingual children in the UK perform on several domains of language and reading skills and how these relate to language dominance. Moreover, it addressed how this performance is affected by a range of contextual factors and whether there are cross-language relationships in the children’s language and reading abilities. Forty Greek-English bilingual children in Year 1 and Year 3 were tested on vocabulary, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, morpho-syntax, and decoding in Greek and English. The results showed that as a group, the children were Greek dominant before the age of 4 but English dominant now and confirm that language dominance could change even before children enter school and affects language and literacy skills equally. A strong relationship between language use and performance was only in evidence in the minority language, which suggests that parental effort should be directed towards the minority language because schooling appears to level out differences in the majority language. There was no negative relationship between the use of the heritage language and children’s language and reading performance in the majority language. In contrast, significant positive cross-language associations were revealed among vocabulary, phonological awareness, inflectional morphology and decoding skills. The practical implications of this study are that parents and teachers should be informed for the positive effects of heritage language use in and outside the home for the maintenance of the heritage language and for the development of the children’s language and literacy skills.
(2019): Indifferenz oder Irritation? : Politische Soziologie und politische Praxis Soziologie : Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. 2019, 48(4), pp. 446-449. ISSN 0340-918X
(2019): Integrating Conflict Event Data Journal of Conflict Resolution. 2019, 63(5), pp. 1337-1364. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002718777050
The growing multitude of sophisticated event-level data collection enables novel analyses of conflict. Even when multiple event data sets are available, researchers tend to rely on only one. We instead advocate integrating information from multiple event data sets. The advantages include facilitating analysis of relationships between different types of conflict, providing more comprehensive empirical measurement, and evaluating the relative coverage and quality of data sets. Existing integration efforts have been performed manually, with significant limitations. Therefore, we introduce Matching Event Data by Location, Time and Type (MELTT)—an automated, transparent, reproducible methodology for integrating event data sets. For the cases of Nigeria 2011, South Sudan 2015, and Libya 2014, we show that using MELTT to integrate data from four leading conflict event data sets (Uppsala Conflict Data Project–Georeferenced Event Data, Armed Conflict Location and Event Data, Social Conflict Analysis Database, and Global Terrorism Database) provides a more complete picture of conflict. We also apply multiple systems estimation to show that each of these data sets has substantial missingness in coverage.
(2019): lingvis.io : A Linguistic Visual Analytics Framework COSTA-JUSSÀ, Marta R., ed., Enrique ALFONSECA, ed.. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : System Demonstrations. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: ACL, 2019, pp. 13-18. ISBN 978-1-950737-49-9. Available under: doi: 10.18653/v1/P19-3003
We present a modular framework for the rapid-prototyping of linguistic, web-based, visual analytics applications. Our framework gives developers access to a rich set of machine learning and natural language processing steps, through encapsulating them into micro-services and combining them into a computational pipeline. This processing pipeline is auto-configured based on the requirements of the visualization front-end, making the linguistic processing and visualization design, detached independent development tasks. This paper describes the constellation and modality of our framework, which continues to support the efficient development of various human-in-the-loop, linguistic visual analytics research techniques and applications.
(2019): Konstanzer Bürgerbefragung 2018 : Einschätzungen zur Digitalisierung, Rückschau auf das Konziljubiläum und die Nutzung der Strandbäder in Konstanz
Projekt : Konstanzer Bürgerbefragung
Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)
(2019): Einleitung: Wozu Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung? HOLZER, Boris, ed., Christian STEGBAUER, ed.. Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-658-21742-6
Für die Netzwerkforschung stellt sich die soziale Wirklichkeit als ein Geflecht sozialer Beziehungen dar. Sie untersucht die Bedeutung von Beziehungen, ihre Genese und Dynamik, ihre Regeln und ihre Konsequenzen. Erste Ansätze des Netzwerkdenkens reichen schon mehr als ein Jahrhundert zurück, doch die Forschung in diesem Gebiet hat erst in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts Fahrt aufgenommen und insbesondere seit den 1990er Jahren einen beträchtlichen Boom erlebt.
(2019): Granting immigrants access to social benefits? : How self-interest influences support for welfare state restrictiveness Journal of European Social Policy. 2019, 29(2), pp. 148-165. ISSN 0958-9287. eISSN 1461-7269. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0958928718781293
In the context of large-scale migration within and into Europe, the question of whether and under which conditions immigrants should be granted access to social benefits in the country of destination is of high political relevance. A large body of research has studied natives’ attitudes towards giving immigrants access to the welfare state, while research on attitudes of immigrants themselves is scarce. Focusing on the impact of self-interest, we compare immigrants and native citizens in their attitudes towards granting immigrants access to the welfare state. We identify three mechanisms through which self-interest can influence these attitudes: immigrant origin, socio-economic status and – for first-generation immigrants only – incorporation into the host society. We test our expectations using cross-national data from the European Social Survey round 2008. The findings suggest that self-interest is indeed one of the factors that motivate attitudes towards welfare state restrictiveness among natives and immigrants, but also point at relevant exceptions to this pattern.
(2019): The politics of evaluation in international organizations : a comparative study of stakeholder influence potential Evaluation. 2019, 25(1), pp. 62-79. ISSN 1356-3890. eISSN 1461-7153. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1356389018803967
While the political nature of evaluation is widely recognized, few attempts exist to conceptualize and compare these politics. This article develops the concept of evaluation stakeholder influence potential, which builds on four political resources for influence (agenda-setting powers, staff and budgetary resources, access to evaluation results, and access to evaluators). These resources are measured for both member states and international public administrations in 24 United Nations organizations. We find that the administration—and not member states—have the largest influence potential in almost two-thirds of the international organizations. Our findings allow classifying them into three groups for which we expect differences in political contestation about evaluation use: two extreme-case groups (either member state or administrative dominance) and a group of contested middle cases. This finding of bureaucratic dominance reinforces literature on bureaucrats as powerful evaluation stakeholders in domestic settings and speaks to nascent research on bureaucratic influence in international organizations.
(2019): Watts (1999) : Networks, Dynamics, and the Small World Problem HOLZER, Boris, ed., Christian STEGBAUER, ed.. Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, pp. 547-550. ISBN 978-3-658-21742-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21742-6_129
Der Text von Duncan Watts ist ein Gründungsdokument der » neuen « Netzwerkwissenschaft (Watts und Strogatz 1998). Es zeigt, wie weitgehend unabhängig von der sozialwissenschaftlichen SNA sie entstanden ist. Unter maßgeblicher Beteiligung von Naturwissenschaftlern und Mathematikern analysiert, modelliert und untersucht sie Netzwerke unterschiedlicher Gegenstandsbereiche mit dem Ziel, allgemeine Mechanismen der Netzwerkbildung zu identifizieren (vgl. Barabási/Albert → 1999).
(2019): Are Factorial Survey Experiments Prone to Survey Mode Effects? LAVRAKAS, Paul, ed., Michael TRAUGOTT, ed., Courtney KENNEDY, ed. and others. Experimental Methods in Survey Research : Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment. John Wiley & Sons, 2019, pp. 371-392. ISBN 978-1-119-08374-0. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781119083771.ch19
This chapter uses key concepts of the total survey error framework to study possible mode effects. It focuses on the effects of interviewer presence on item nonresponse, inconsistency of responses and measurement errors such as response sets, and how these issues and possible further mode effects affect the substantive results gained by the factorial survey experiment in a case study. The chapter begins with a brief illustration of the factorial survey method and continues with a discussion of typical modes, design issues, and their connection to mode effects. In the case study, two different survey modes are analyzed: a face‐to‐face interview where respondents filled in the factorial survey module themselves, but an interviewer was present for optional support, and a completely self‐administered mode (where respondents could choose between completing a mail and a web survey). The chapter concludes with a short summary and discussion of the practical implications.
dc.contributor.editor: Stegbauer, Christian
(2019): The politics of vocational training : theories, typologies, and public policies GUILE, David, ed., Lorna UNWIN, ed.. The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2019, pp. 137-164. ISBN 978-1-119-09859-1
dc.contributor.author: Trampusch, Christine
(2019): Kommunikation auf sozialen Netzwerkplattformen FAAS, Thorsten, ed., Oscar W. GABRIEL, ed., Jürgen MAIER, ed.. Politikwissenschaftliche Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung : Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2019, pp. 184-206. ISBN 978-3-8487-2175-7. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845264899-184
(2019): Connecting Government Announcements and Public Policy BAUMGARTNER, Frank R., ed., Christian BREUNIG, ed., Emiliano GROSSMAN, ed.. Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 300-316. ISBN 978-0-19-883533-2. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198835332.003.0030
A key component of democratic governance is that elected governments implement their promises. This chapter advances previous work on electoral pledges by systematically linking governments’ announcements in speeches to their actual legislative behavior. Results show that introducing a political topic during a government speech substantively increases the amount of legislation in this particular policy domain. The study utilizes two series of comparative policy agendas—government speeches and legislation—from eight countries—Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States—for the period between 1983 and 2004. In addition to the direct link from speeches to legislation, the chapter also examines a number of prevalent alternative mechanisms of law production such as institutional effects, economic context, or party ideology.
(2019): Advancing the Study of Comparative Public Policy BAUMGARTNER, Frank R., ed., Christian BREUNIG, ed., Emiliano GROSSMAN, ed.. Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 391-398. ISBN 978-0-19-883533-2. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198835332.003.0035
The concluding chapter emphasizes several central points and contributions of the book. It first provides a summary of the extent of the emerging infrastructure that the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) has developed. It shows the many possibilities provided by this infrastructure, as illustrated by the comparative chapters in the volume. The chapter goes to discuss the achievements in terms of data collection and comparability. Finally, the chapter explores possible future directions of research for the CAP and, beyond, the field of comparative public policy. In particular, it could positively contribute to the study of the consequence of differences in bureaucratic structures. Similarly, the inclusion of media data has opened up new possibilities that have only just started to be explored. Finally, the study of “responsiveness” and its consequences for political behavior could also benefit from crossing, say, survey data with CAP data.
dc.contributor.author: Naumann, Elias
(2019): News from the Old Country : Media Consumption by the Basque Diaspora in the United States Comunicación y sociedad (Communication & Society). 2019, 32(3), pp. 109-121. ISSN 0214-0039. eISSN 2174-0895
This study analyzes the ways in which the Basque diaspora community in the United States consumes news media from their home origin. Using survey data collected from over 400 Basque-Americans with varying generations (first, second, third, etc.), we explore the ways in which surveyed individuals consume media from their ancestral territory of origin, in this case, the Basque Country of Spain and France. This research is exploratory and descriptive of the media habits and behavior of individuals with Basque origins. We find that significant shifts in media consumption occur between first generation immigrants and those beyond the second generation. As we move across generations, we observe that individuals shift from engagement with home-origin media to engagement with Basque cultural activities, such as dancing clubs. Our study suggests that the importance of digital media from the homeland is growing, but that most consumption of information by the Basque diaspora is through social networks. Our findings also suggest that, among those who continue to consume home-origin media, it is mainly through readership of national newspapers (in this case, from Spain) rather than local newspapers (from the Basque Country). This article enriches our understanding of the media habits of the Basque diaspora and raises questions for future research about the effect of transnational media consumption on the political, social and economic behavior of immigrants in the United States.
(2019): Being over- or underchallenged in class : Effects on students' career aspirations via academic self-concept and boredom Learning and Individual Differences. 2019, 69, pp. 206-218. ISSN 1041-6080. eISSN 1873-3425. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2018.10.004
The current study investigated links between students' level of perceived challenge (being over- or underchallenged) and students' career aspirations. We hypothesized indirect effects of over- and underchallenge on career aspirations via academic self-concept and academic trait boredom and tested our hypotheses in a sample of N = 662 Swiss eleventh grade students in the domains of German, French, and mathematics. Our results were consistent across all three domains and showed that being overchallenged had a negative impact on academic self-concept. Lower academic self-concept, in turn, was associated with decreased career aspirations. Being underchallenged enhanced academic self-concept, which was positively related to students' career aspirations. Further, both being over- and underchallenged enhanced students' domain-specific boredom experiences resulting in a decrease in their career aspirations. As such, the effect of being underchallenged was of particular importance as its influence on career aspirations via academic trait boredom was negative, whereas via academic self-concept there was a positive indirect effect.
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