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  • Schumann, Stephan; Kärner, Tobias; Maué, Elisabeth (2019): Integration von jungen Geflüchteten in das deutsche Berufsbildungssystem : Klassenkompositionseffekte und binnendifferenzierende Maßnahmen PILZ, Matthias, ed., Kathrin BREUING, ed., Stephan SCHUMANN, ed.. Berufsbildung zwischen Tradition und Moderne : Festschrift für Thomas Deißinger zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019, pp. 83-101. Internationale Berufsbildungsforschung. ISBN 978-3-658-24459-0. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-24460-6_6

    Integration von jungen Geflüchteten in das deutsche Berufsbildungssystem : Klassenkompositionseffekte und binnendifferenzierende Maßnahmen


    Im Zuge der Beschulung und Integration jugendlicher Geflüchteter und Asylsuchender wurden an beruflichen Schulen insbesondere im Übergangssystem zielgruppenspezifische berufsvorbereitende Klassen eingerichtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht der Beitrag Fragen 1) Effekten der äußeren Differenzierung (hier: Klassenkomposition bezüglich unterschiedlicher Merkmale) auf die Deutschfähigkeiten von jugendlichen Geflüchteten und Asylsuchenden in speziellen beruflichen Vorbereitungsklassen in Baden-Württemberg und 2) Maßnahmen und Grenzen der inneren Differenzierung im Unterricht aus Sicht von bayrischen Lehrpersonen nach. Dabei verbindet er eine quantitative Befragung jugendlicher Geflüchteter und Asylsuchender (N = 635, 60 Klassen, 22 Schulen; Studie 1) und eine qualitative Befragung von in sogenannten Flüchtlingsklassen unterrichtenden Lehrpersonen (N = 16; Studie 2). Die erste Studie weist auf Klassenebene keinen signifikanten Effekt der ethnischen Klassenkomposition auf die individuellen Leistungen im eingesetzten Deutschtest nach, hingegen zeigen sich signifikante positive Effekte der mittleren kognitiven Fähigkeiten und der Schulbesuchsdauer im Herkunftsland. Gemäß der zweiten Studie orientieren sich Lehrpersonen beim Einsatz innerer Differenzierungsmaßnahmen insbesondere an kognitiven Fähigkeiten und am Sprachstand in Deutsch. Sie nutzen etwa unterschiedliche Aufgabenschwierigkeiten, bereitgestellte ‚Lehrerhilfen‘ und Sozialformen als methodisch-didaktische Variationsmöglichkeiten. Grenzen sehen sie z.B. im Zeitaufwand oder in der starken Heterogenität bezogen auf die Klassenzusammensetzungen. Wenn auch in zwei unterschiedlichen Bundesländern durchgeführt, verdeutlichen die beiden Studien, dass Mechanismen der äußeren Differenzierung zwischen Klassen desselben Bildungsgangs (z.B. entlang der Herkunftsländer der Jugendlichen) relevante Rahmenbedingungen für innere Differenzierungsmaßnahmen seitens der Lehrpersonen und somit für das Lernen der SchülerInnen darstellen.

  • Breaking the Link? : How European Integration Shapes Social Policy Demand and Supply


    How does European integration affect the welfare state? This paper argues that European integration has non-complementary consequences for the political economy of welfare spending: European economic integration increases popular demand for social spending, whereas Euro-pean political integration decreases the supply of social spending. Thus, the conflicting implications of European integration essentially break the link between social policy preferences and social policy. Using statistical models that deal with the multilevel structure of the theoretical argument, we provide evidence for a positive relationship between economic integration and support for social policy. In the second part of the empirical analysis, we find that-based on dynamic model specifications at the country level-higher levels of political integration are associated with lower levels of social spending. Furthermore, we show that social policy responsiveness declines as political integration increases.

  • Cattaneo, Maria; Lergetporer, Philipp; Schwerdt, Guido; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger; Wolter, Stefan C. (2019): Information Provision and Preferences for Education Spending : Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments in Three Countries

    Information Provision and Preferences for Education Spending : Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments in Three Countries


    Do differences in citizens' policy preferences hamper international cooperation in education policy? To gain comparative evidence on public preferences for education spending, we conduct representative experiments with information treatments in Switzerland using identical survey techniques previously used in Germany and the United States. In Switzerland, providing information about actual spending and salary levels reduces support for increased education spending from 54 to 40 percent and for increased teacher salaries from 27 to 19 percent, respectively. The broad patterns of education policy preferences are similar across the three countries when the role of status-quo and information are taken into account.

  • Dobbins, Michael; Nikolai, Rita (2019): Der Einfluss von Lehrkräfteverbänden in der Steuerung von Schulsystemen : Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 2019, 65(4), pp. 564-583. ISSN 0044-3247. Available under: doi: 10.3262/ZP1904564

    Der Einfluss von Lehrkräfteverbänden in der Steuerung von Schulsystemen : Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich


    Lehrkräfteverbände wurden bislang in Untersuchungen zur Schulpolitik als Akteure vernachlässigt. Der Vergleich der Schulpolitiken in Frankreich und Deutschland auf dem Feld output- und wettbewerbsorientierter Reformen zeigt, dass Verbände von Lehrkräften in der Politikgestaltung eine wichtige Rolle spielen. In Frankreich konnten Lehrkräfteverbände Vorhaben zur Stärkung interner und externer Evaluationen sowie Wettbewerbsmaßnahmen blockieren. In Deutschland blieb der Widerstand von Verbänden dagegen aus und der Fokus richtete sich eher auf Feinjustierungen der Maßnahmen. Der Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit die unterschiedlichen Umsetzungen auf Machtpositionen sowie Interessen und Strategien der Verbände von Lehrkräften zurückgeführt werden können.

  • Zuber, Christina Isabel; Szöcsik, Edina (2019): The second edition of the EPAC expert survey on ethnonationalism in party competition : testing for validity and reliability Regional & Federal Studies. 2019, 29(1), pp. 91-113. ISSN 1359-7566. eISSN 1743-9434. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13597566.2018.1512975

    The second edition of the EPAC expert survey on ethnonationalism in party competition : testing for validity and reliability


    This research note presents EPAC 2017, a dataset resulting from the second round of an expert survey on ethnonationalism in party competition. EPAC provides cross-sectional data on the positions of (ethno-) national and mainstream parties on an ethnonational (also often referred to as ‘territorial’ or ‘centre-periphery’) dimension, as well as other important dimensions of political competition. The 2017 edition covers 222 political parties in 22 multinational European countries. The research note presents the main survey items and performs a series of validity and reliability tests on the data. Results show that EPAC 2017 provides valid and reliable measures of party positions on an ethnonational dimension. A short analysis of party system changes in Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina illustrates the opportunities of combining the 2011 and 2017 editions. The combined dataset allows studying the mobilization of the centre-periphery cleavage in party competition across Eastern and Western Europe and over time.

  • Hachfeld, Axinja (2019): Fünf Fragen an... Axinja Hachfeld uni'kon #71 : [ex'stra] Exzellenzstrategie. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz, pp. 28-29

    Fünf Fragen an... Axinja Hachfeld



  • Bellani, Luna; Bia, Michela (2019): The long‐run effect of childhood poverty and the mediating role of education Journal of the Royal Statistical Society / Series A: Statistics in Society. 2019, 182(1), pp. 37-68. ISSN 0964-1998. eISSN 1467-985X. Available under: doi: 10.1111/rssa.12388

    The long‐run effect of childhood poverty and the mediating role of education


    The paper examines the role of education as a causal channel through which growing up poor affects the economic outcomes in adulthood in the European Union. We apply a potential outcomes approach to quantify those effects and we provide a sensitivity analysis on possible unobserved confounders, such as child ability. Our estimates indicate that being poor in childhood significantly decreases the level of income in adulthood and increases the average probability of being poor. Moreover, our results reveal a significant role of education in this intergenerational transmission. These results are particularly relevant for Mediterranean and central and eastern European countries.

  • Wolter, Felix (2019): A New Version of the Item Count Technique for Asking Sensitive Questions : Testing the Performance of the Person Count Technique MDA Methods, Data & Analyses. 2019, 13(1), pp. 169-192. ISSN 1864-6956. Available under: doi: 10.12758/mda.2018.04

    A New Version of the Item Count Technique for Asking Sensitive Questions : Testing the Performance of the Person Count Technique


    This paper presents empirical evidence on a recent advancement of the item count technique (ICT, a survey technique for asking sensitive questions), namely, the person count technique (PCT; Grant, Moon, & Gleason, 2014). PCT utilizes person lists instead of lists of filler questions, as is the case in the classic ICT design. This simplifies the questioning procedure, but leads to some methodological challenges such as floor and ceiling effects. The main part of this paper presents empirical evidence stemming from an experimental postal survey in Germany (N = 580) investigating how well PCT performs as compared to standard direct questioning (DQ) with regard to alleviating misreporting for questions on attitudes towards refugees. PCT prevalence estimates for hostile attitudes towards refugees are significantly higher than DQ estimates for one item, and non-significantly higher for three items. Although not consistently significant, the differences are substantial, amounting to a threefold increase of the proportion of respondents expressing negative attitudes towards refugees. Even though the findings are not unequivocally in favor of PCT, this new ICT variant still deserves consideration in the future and warrants further development. Specifically, more knowledge is required with respect to its statistical properties and the best practices of its implementation.

  • What rich and poor consider important and how this matters for representation


    Research on unequal representation suggests that governments tend to represent the prefe-rences of the rich better than those of less affluent citizens. We argue that inequality already occurs at the agenda-setting stage: when the rich and the poor hold distinct priorities (priorities gap), governments pay more attention to what the rich consider important in their legislative agenda. We amassed three types of data for our analyses. First, we extract the policy priorities for rich and poor from Eurobarometer data between 2003 and 2015 for 10 European countries and match this information with data on policy outcomes from the Comparative Agendas Pro-ject. Second, we validate our findings with a comparison of three single country studies over longer time series. We conclude that unequal representation occurs already at the beginning of the policy-making process. This suppression of the priorities of the poor is potentially even more severe than unequal treatment of preferences.

  • Schätzle, Christin; Dennig, Frederik L.; Blumenschein, Michael; Keim, Daniel A.; Butt, Miriam (2019): Visualizing Linguistic Change as Dimension Interactions TAHMASEBI, Nina, ed., Lars BORIN, ed., Adam JATOWT, ed.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2019, pp. 272-278. ISBN 978-1-950737-31-4

    Visualizing Linguistic Change as Dimension Interactions


    Historical change typically is the result of complex interactions between several linguistic factors. Identifying the relevant factors and understanding how they interact across the temporal dimension is the core remit of historical linguistics. With respect to corpus work, this entails a separate annotation, extraction and painstaking pair-wise comparison of the relevant bits of information. This paper presents a significant extension of HistoBankVis, a multilayer visualization system which allows a fast and interactive exploration of complex linguistic data. Linguistic factors can be understood as data dimensions which show complex interrelationships. We model these relationships with the Parallel Sets technique. We demonstrate the powerful potential of this technique by applying the system to understanding the interaction of case, grammatical relations and word order in the history of Icelandic.

  • Holzer, Boris; Stegbauer, Christian (Eds.) (2019): Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung

    Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung



    dc.contributor.editor: Stegbauer, Christian

  • Holzer, Boris (2019): Killworth et al. (1984) : Measuring Patterns of Acquaintanceship HOLZER, Boris, ed., Christian STEGBAUER, ed.. Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, pp. 297-299. ISBN 978-3-658-21742-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21742-6_68

    Killworth et al. (1984) : Measuring Patterns of Acquaintanceship


    Die Studie von Killworth et al. stellt den Versuch dar, das Netzwerk der Bekanntschaften als globale soziale Struktur zu beschreiben. Die Autoren folgen den Vorschlägen von Radcliffe-Brown (→ 1940) und Homans (→ 1950), die Beziehungen zwischen Individuen als die Grundelemente sozialer Strukturen aufzufassen. Mit der Frage, wer wen kennt, konzentrieren sie sich auf eine gleichermaßen elementare wie universelle soziale Beziehung.

  • Teachers’ Diagnostic Support System (TDSS) : A Socio-Technical Approach Addressing Diversity in the Classroom


    Dealing with individual differences in the classroom challenges vocational teachers in their daily work. These challenges even start before demanding decisions on instructional strategies and methods have to be made. In order to provide individualized or differentiated forms of instruction, teachers face the problem of assessing student’s individual characteristics (learning needs and prerequisites) and situational states (learning experiences and learning progress). In order to support teachers in gathering and processing complex diagnostic information during class, we have developed a client-server based software prototype running on mobile devices: the Teachers' Diagnostic Support System (TDSS). The poster presentation delineates implications for system requirements drawn from a literature review, describes the implemented system functions, and reports first results of a usability study. As an outlook, the presentation outlines how our system may assist teachers’ daily tasks of diagnosing student learning and taking appropriate instructional measures.

  • Jann, Ben; Krumpal, Ivar; Wolter, Felix (2019): Editorial: Social Desirability Bias in Surveys : Collecting and Analyzing Sensitive Data MDA Methods, Data & Analyses. 2019, 13(1), pp. 3-6. ISSN 1864-6956

    Editorial: Social Desirability Bias in Surveys : Collecting and Analyzing Sensitive Data



    dc.contributor.author: Jann, Ben; Krumpal, Ivar

  • Political Activists as Free-Riders : Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment


    How does a citizen's decision to participate in political activism depend on the participation of others? We examine this core question of collective action in a nation-wide natural field experiment in collaboration with a major European party during a recent national election. In a seemingly unrelated party survey, we randomly assign canvassers to true information about the canvassing intentions of their peers. Using survey evidence and behavioral data from the party's smartphone canvassing application, we find that treated canvassers significantly reduce both their canvassing intentions and behavior when learning that their peers participate more in canvassing than previously believed. These treatment effects are particularly large for supporters who have weaker social ties to the party, and for supporters with higher career concerns within the party. The evidence implies that effort choices of political activists are, on average, strategic substitutes. However, social ties to other activists can act as a force for strategic complementarity.

  • What Do Employee Referral Programs Do? : A Firm-level Randomized Controlled Trial


    Employee referral programs (ERPs) are randomly introduced in a grocery chain. Larger referral bonuses increase referrals and decrease referral quality, though the increase in referrals from having an ERP is modest. However, the overall effect of having an ERP is substantial, reducing attrition by roughly 15% and decreasing firm labor costs by up to almost 3%. This occurs, partly, because referrals stay longer than nonreferrals, but, mainly, because all workers stay longer in treated than control stores, even among stores where no referrals are made. The most-supported mechanism for these indirect effects is that workers value being involved in hiring.

  • Stier, Sebastian; Jungherr, Andreas (2019): Digitale Verhaltensdaten und Methoden der Computational Social Science in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung HOFMANN, Jeanette, ed., Norbert KERSTING, ed., Claudia RITZI, ed., Wolf J. SCHÜNEMANN, ed.. Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft : zentrale Problemfelder und Forschungsperspektiven. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019, pp. 309-325. Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. 1. ISBN 978-3-8376-4864-5. Available under: doi: 10.14361/9783839448649-016

    Digitale Verhaltensdaten und Methoden der Computational Social Science in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung



    dc.contributor.author: Stier, Sebastian

  • Breunig, Christian; Schnatterer, Tinette (2019): Political Agendas in Germany BAUMGARTNER, Frank R., ed., Christian BREUNIG, ed., Emiliano GROSSMAN, ed.. Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 97-104. ISBN 978-0-19-883533-2. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198835332.003.0010

    Political Agendas in Germany


    This chapter describes the German political system and connects its working to agenda-setting theories. Given its institutional configuration, politics and policy-making in Germany is typically described in terms of deliberation, moderation, and gridlock. We introduce six data series—public opinion, party platforms, policy processes, government speeches, parliamentary questions, bills and laws—that comprise agenda-setting in Germany. The data for these political activities are obtained from official sources. We delineate the processing and coding of these series. A brief application that examines the German reunification process illustrates the potential of the database. The illustration shows that reunification has not really been politicized but occupied considerable agenda space in government speeches and legislation.

  • Walzenbach, Sandra; Hinz, Thomas (2019): Pouring water into wine : revisiting the advantages of the crosswise model for asking sensitive questions Survey Methods : Insights from the Field. FORS (Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences). eISSN 2296-4754. Available under: doi: 10.13094/SMIF-2019-00002

    Pouring water into wine : revisiting the advantages of the crosswise model for asking sensitive questions


    The Crosswise Model (CM) has been proposed as a method to reduce effects of social desirability in sensitive questions. In contrast with former variants of Randomized Response Techniques (RRTs), the crosswise model neither offers a self-protective response strategy, nor does it require a random device. For these reasons, the crosswise model has received a lot of positive attention in the scientific community. However, previous validation studies have mostly analysed negatively connoted behaviour and thus draw on the principle of “more is better”. Higher prevalence rates of socially undesirable behaviour in the crosswise model cannot be attributed unambiguously to a reduction in social desirability bias, since random ticking resulting from respondent confusion about the question format cannot be ruled out as an alternative explanation. Unlike most research on crosswise models and randomized response techniques, we conduct an experiment in a general population survey that does not assess negatively connoted but socially desirable behaviour (namely, whether respondents had donated blood within the last twelve months). This design allows us to empirically disentangle the reduction of social desirability bias from random responses. We find signifcantly higher prevalence rates in the crosswise condition than in the direct question. What is more, we could not identify any subgroup of respondents, in which the CM successfully reduced social desirability bias. These results cast doubts on the validity of cosswise models. They suggest that a considerable number of respondents do not comply with the intended procedure.

  • Hoeffler, Anke (2019): Fragility and Development in Africa : An Introduction Review of Development Economics. 2019, 23(3), pp. 1067-1072. ISSN 1363-6669. eISSN 1467-9361. Available under: doi: 10.1111/rode.12616

    Fragility and Development in Africa : An Introduction



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