Cluster News at a Glance

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Current news



New Article: Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies

Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, have just published an article entitled “Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway” in the international journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Cover des Artikels im Magazin

Wie sprachliche Ausdrucksweise unsere Meinung beeinflussen kann

Wird Sprache eingesetzt, um Emotionen zu wecken oder Meinungen zu beeinflussen, spricht man von „Framing“. Am Exzellenzcluster „The Politics of Inequality“ an der Universität Konstanz untersuchen Forschende das sprachliche Framing dreier großer deutscher Tageszeitungen über geflüchtete Menschen.

Die Kosten der Schulschließungen

WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen der Universität Konstanz haben in einem Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf die Elf- bis Siebzehnjährigen als Verlierer der pandemiebedingten Schulschließungen in Deutschland identifiziert.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Leading Mind in Human Resources

We are excited to announce that our Principal Investigator Florian Kunze has been awarded one of the "40 Leading Minds in Human Resources" by Personalmagazin. Congratulations to Florian and his entire team at the Future of Work Lab at the University of Konstanz.

Best Paper Award

Gianna Maria Eick and Marius Busemeyer were given the Best Paper Award from the Research Network on Political Economy and Welfare of the Council for European Studies (CES).

High support for universal basic income

The majority of the population in Germany supports the introduction of an unconditional basic income. The analysis of two representative studies shows that the higher the basic income, the greater the approval. As a means of financing, most respondents support an increase in income and wealth taxes.

Tracing charisma with avatars

Are mainly people of high status perceived as being charismatic? And what does this mean for people with lower status? An interdisciplinary research project at the University of Konstanz focuses on the charisma of politicians from socially marginalized backgrounds.