Exzellenzcluster "The Politics of Inequality"

Early Career Training: Services offered for ECR by the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM)

Thursday, 5. May 2022
11:45 - 13:15

Y213 & online



This event is part of an event series „Early Career Training“.

The University of Konstanz offers a wide range of services for Early Career Researchers. One central piece of support is the Communication, Information and Media Centre (KIM). Judith Heeg (responsible for Sociology and Political Science at the library) will visit the Cluster and present KIM at a Glance giving an overview of its services and providing answers to questions such as: What kind of lending services are available (e.g. inter-library loan) and how do I make use of them? Does the KIM offer access to specific databases of relevance for my research area? How do I best search for literature available via the KIM? Can I request the acquisition of a book? Is there a possibility to lend books that are central to my research over a longer period of time? To what kind of software does the KIM provide access to?

The event will take place in Y213 and on Zoom. A Zoom-link will be sent to all Cluster members shortly before the event.

Presenter: Judith Heeg

Date: 5 May, 11:45-13:15

Participation: Cluster members, interested researchers from Uni Konstanz

Registration: No