Valentina Consiglio
Valentina Consiglio is a Doctoral researcher at the Cluster of Excellence „The Politics of Inequality“ at the University of Konstanz and part of the Research Group The Politics of Labor Market Inequality and Occupational Mobility of Dr. Thomas Kurer.
She holds a BA in “Sociology, Politics & Economics” from Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen and a double MSc degree in “Public Policy & Human Development” with a specialisation in Social Protection Policy from Maastricht University and the United Nations University MERIT. Since 2018, she has been working as a Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung, developing studies on labour market and social policy issues together with leading scientists from German economic research institutes and the OECD.
Research Interests:
- Economic and political inequality
- Different dimensions of socio-economic mobility
- Labor market and social policy
Doctoral project:
"The Social and Geographical Roots of Economic Opportunity (Mis-)perceptions and their Political Consequences"
List of publications.