In_equality ECR Excellence Award 2024

The In_equality ECR Excellence Award honours outstanding academic achievement in cluster research. Our mission is to encourage audacious inequality research of early-career researchers (ECRs). The prize is awarded by the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” and includes a grant of 3.000 Euros each. We offer two prizes for predocs and two prizes for postdocs per year.


Candidates must be non-tenured, affiliated members of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”.

Nomination and selection criteria

  • Candidates can be self-nominated.
  • The committee will base its assessment on a candidate's research excellence, relevance, and innovation. To this end, it will consider published papers, submitted papers and published working papers.
  • Nominations can only be made for papers emerging from research carried out during the cluster membership.
  • One or two authors can be nominated per paper. The prize will be shared among the authors. Papers co-authored with PIs are basically not eligible; for exceptions in individual cases, e.g. if specifics of the discipline apply, please ask before submitting your nomination.
  • Nomination is limited to one paper, and the award can only be granted once.
  • The committee will evaluate applications from the various disciplines equally.


To apply, please submit the application form below and attach the following documents (in one pdf file):

  • up-to-date CV with publication list
  • full paper (including status of publication)
  • description of the relevance and distinctiveness – why should the paper be awarded? (max. 500 words)

Applications are accepted until 31 October 2024.

Selection committee/procedure

The prize committee consists of nominated EXC “The Politics of Inequality” board members and external senior researchers. The committee will select the prize recipients after due scrutiny and collective discussion of scientific merits.


The prizes will be awarded in person by the end of the winter term 2024_25. The award can be used for expenses related to research (e.g. travel expenses, research stays, conferences, publications etc.).

If you have any questions, please contact us at the Cluster’s Managing Office:

This call is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - German Research Foundation) under the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments – EXC-2035/1 – 390681379 and is in accordance with the Bylaws for the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality: Perceptions, Participation and Policies” of the University of Konstanz.

Application In_equality ECR Excellence Award

Fields with an * are mandatory/Fill in co-author only if applicable