(2019): Killworth et al. (1984) : Measuring Patterns of Acquaintanceship HOLZER, Boris, ed., Christian STEGBAUER, ed.. Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, pp. 297-299. ISBN 978-3-658-21742-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21742-6_68
Die Studie von Killworth et al. stellt den Versuch dar, das Netzwerk der Bekanntschaften als globale soziale Struktur zu beschreiben. Die Autoren folgen den Vorschlägen von Radcliffe-Brown (→ 1940) und Homans (→ 1950), die Beziehungen zwischen Individuen als die Grundelemente sozialer Strukturen aufzufassen. Mit der Frage, wer wen kennt, konzentrieren sie sich auf eine gleichermaßen elementare wie universelle soziale Beziehung.
(2019): Teachers’ Diagnostic Support System (TDSS) : A Socio-Technical Approach Addressing Diversity in the Classroom Book of Abstracts EARLI 2019. Aachen: RWTH Aachen, 2019, pp. 130
Dealing with individual differences in the classroom challenges vocational teachers in their daily work. These challenges even start before demanding decisions on instructional strategies and methods have to be made. In order to provide individualized or differentiated forms of instruction, teachers face the problem of assessing student’s individual characteristics (learning needs and prerequisites) and situational states (learning experiences and learning progress). In order to support teachers in gathering and processing complex diagnostic information during class, we have developed a client-server based software prototype running on mobile devices: the Teachers' Diagnostic Support System (TDSS). The poster presentation delineates implications for system requirements drawn from a literature review, describes the implemented system functions, and reports first results of a usability study. As an outlook, the presentation outlines how our system may assist teachers’ daily tasks of diagnosing student learning and taking appropriate instructional measures.
(2019): Editorial: Social Desirability Bias in Surveys : Collecting and Analyzing Sensitive Data MDA Methods, Data & Analyses. 2019, 13(1), pp. 3-6. ISSN 1864-6956
dc.contributor.author: Jann, Ben; Krumpal, Ivar
How does a citizen's decision to participate in political activism depend on the participation of others? We examine this core question of collective action in a nation-wide natural field experiment in collaboration with a major European party during a recent national election. In a seemingly unrelated party survey, we randomly assign canvassers to true information about the canvassing intentions of their peers. Using survey evidence and behavioral data from the party's smartphone canvassing application, we find that treated canvassers significantly reduce both their canvassing intentions and behavior when learning that their peers participate more in canvassing than previously believed. These treatment effects are particularly large for supporters who have weaker social ties to the party, and for supporters with higher career concerns within the party. The evidence implies that effort choices of political activists are, on average, strategic substitutes. However, social ties to other activists can act as a force for strategic complementarity.
Employee referral programs (ERPs) are randomly introduced in a grocery chain. Larger referral bonuses increase referrals and decrease referral quality, though the increase in referrals from having an ERP is modest. However, the overall effect of having an ERP is substantial, reducing attrition by roughly 15% and decreasing firm labor costs by up to almost 3%. This occurs, partly, because referrals stay longer than nonreferrals, but, mainly, because all workers stay longer in treated than control stores, even among stores where no referrals are made. The most-supported mechanism for these indirect effects is that workers value being involved in hiring.
(2019): Digitale Verhaltensdaten und Methoden der Computational Social Science in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung HOFMANN, Jeanette, ed., Norbert KERSTING, ed., Claudia RITZI, ed., Wolf J. SCHÜNEMANN, ed.. Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft : zentrale Problemfelder und Forschungsperspektiven. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019, pp. 309-325. Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. 1. ISBN 978-3-8376-4864-5. Available under: doi: 10.14361/9783839448649-016
dc.contributor.author: Stier, Sebastian
(2019): Political Agendas in Germany BAUMGARTNER, Frank R., ed., Christian BREUNIG, ed., Emiliano GROSSMAN, ed.. Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 97-104. ISBN 978-0-19-883533-2. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198835332.003.0010
This chapter describes the German political system and connects its working to agenda-setting theories. Given its institutional configuration, politics and policy-making in Germany is typically described in terms of deliberation, moderation, and gridlock. We introduce six data series—public opinion, party platforms, policy processes, government speeches, parliamentary questions, bills and laws—that comprise agenda-setting in Germany. The data for these political activities are obtained from official sources. We delineate the processing and coding of these series. A brief application that examines the German reunification process illustrates the potential of the database. The illustration shows that reunification has not really been politicized but occupied considerable agenda space in government speeches and legislation.
(2019): Pouring water into wine : revisiting the advantages of the crosswise model for asking sensitive questions Survey Methods : Insights from the Field. FORS (Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences). eISSN 2296-4754. Available under: doi: 10.13094/SMIF-2019-00002
The Crosswise Model (CM) has been proposed as a method to reduce effects of social desirability in sensitive questions. In contrast with former variants of Randomized Response Techniques (RRTs), the crosswise model neither offers a self-protective response strategy, nor does it require a random device. For these reasons, the crosswise model has received a lot of positive attention in the scientific community. However, previous validation studies have mostly analysed negatively connoted behaviour and thus draw on the principle of “more is better”. Higher prevalence rates of socially undesirable behaviour in the crosswise model cannot be attributed unambiguously to a reduction in social desirability bias, since random ticking resulting from respondent confusion about the question format cannot be ruled out as an alternative explanation. Unlike most research on crosswise models and randomized response techniques, we conduct an experiment in a general population survey that does not assess negatively connoted but socially desirable behaviour (namely, whether respondents had donated blood within the last twelve months). This design allows us to empirically disentangle the reduction of social desirability bias from random responses. We find signifcantly higher prevalence rates in the crosswise condition than in the direct question. What is more, we could not identify any subgroup of respondents, in which the CM successfully reduced social desirability bias. These results cast doubts on the validity of cosswise models. They suggest that a considerable number of respondents do not comply with the intended procedure.
(2019): Fragility and Development in Africa : An Introduction Review of Development Economics. 2019, 23(3), pp. 1067-1072. ISSN 1363-6669. eISSN 1467-9361. Available under: doi: 10.1111/rode.12616
(2019): Zu Verbreitung und sozialen Einflussfaktoren von Paraglaube in West- und Ostdeutschland 2002–2012 : Empirische Analysen von ALLBUS-Daten SIEGERS, Pascal, ed., Sonja SCHULZ, ed., Oshrat HOCHMAN, ed.. Einstellungen und Verhalten der deutschen Bevölkerung : Analysen mit dem ALLBUS. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019, pp. 53-92. Blickpunkt Gesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-658-21998-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21999-4_3
Der Beitrag liefert eine empirische Bestandaufnahme der Struktur, Verbreitung und sozialen Verortung bzw. den Einflussfaktoren des Glaubens an paranormale und parawissenschaftliche Lehren und Praktiken wie Wünschelruten, Tarot-Karten, Okkultismus oder paramedizinische Lehren in Deutschland seit der Jahrtausendwende. Analysiert werden Daten der Allgemeinen Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften (ALLBUS) 2002 und 2012, die entsprechende Fragen zur Erfahrung mit und zur Überzeugung von paranormalen und parawissenschaftlichen Lehren und Praktiken enthalten. Dabei fokussieren wir insbesondere zeitliche Veränderungen im betrachteten Zeitraum und nehmen eine zwischen West- und Ostdeutschland vergleichende Perspektive ein.
Hinsichtlich der Dimensionalität des Phänomens Paraglaube ergeben sich die drei Subdimensionen „Esoterik/Mystik“, „volkstümlicher Aberglaube“ und „Paramedizin“, wobei deren Verbreitung in der Bevölkerung deutlich variiert. Entgegen einer in der Literatur berichteten deutlichen Ausbreitung von Paraglaube in (West)Deutschland seit Gründung der BRD finden wir zwischen 2002 und 2012 eher Stabilität vor. Dies betrifft sowohl den Anteil der Menschen, die Erfahrung mit paranormalen Lehren und Praktiken haben und von ihnen überzeugt sind (hier tendiert die Entwicklung sogar eher in Richtung einer Abnahme) als auch die Struktur der Einflussfaktoren. Analysen zu letzterer weisen darauf hin, dass eine starke Bindung an konventionelle Religionen die Affinität für Paraglaube reduziert; gleiches gilt auch, wenn Menschen ein naturalistisches Weltbild vertreten. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich aber, dass auch unter Kontrolle von religiösen und wertbezogenen Merkmalen soziodemografische Variablen einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Neigung zu Paraglaube ausüben. Dabei ist Paraglaube in Ostdeutschland teils deutlich weniger verbreitet als in Westdeutschland, und auch die Effekte von Prädiktoren der Paraglaubensüberzeugung variieren nach Landesteil. -
(2019): Wie deliberativ war die Schlichtung zu ´Stuttgart 21´? : Sprachliche Analyse politischer Kommunikation Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften : Jahrbuch 2018. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-3-00-062676-0
(2019): Analysing European Union Decision-Making during the Eurozone Crisis with New Data European Union Politics. 2019, 20(1), pp. 3-23. ISSN 1465-1165. eISSN 1741-2757. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1465116518814954
The collection of articles in this special issue provides a comprehensive analysis of European Union decision-making during the Eurozone crisis. We investigate national preference formation and interstate bargaining related to major reforms of the Economic and Monetary Union. The analyses rely on the new ‘EMU Positions’ dataset. This dataset includes information about the preferences and saliences of all 28 EU member states and key EU institutions, regarding 47 contested issues negotiated between 2010 and 2015. In this introductory article, we first articulate the motivation behind this special issue and outline its collective contribution. We then briefly summarise each article within this collection; the articles analyse agenda setting, preference formation, coalition building, bargaining dynamics, and bargaining success. Finally, we present and discuss the ‘EMU Positions’ dataset.
Many decisions taken in legislatures or committees are subject to lobbying efforts. A seminal contribution to the literature on vote-buying is the legislative lobbying model pioneered by Groseclose and Snyder (1996), which predicts that lobbies will optimally form supermajorities in many cases. Providing the first empirical assessment of this prominent model, we test its central predictions in the laboratory. While the model assumes sequential moves, we relax this assumption in additional treatments with simultaneous moves. We find that lobbies buy supermajorities as predicted by the theory. Our results also provide supporting evidence for most comparative statics predictions of the legislative lobbying model with respect to lobbies' willingness to pay and legislators' preferences. Most of these results carry over to the simultaneous-move set-up but the predictive power of the model declines.
(2019): The Comparative Agendas Project : Intellectual Roots and Current Developments BAUMGARTNER, Frank R., ed., Christian BREUNIG, ed., Emiliano GROSSMAN, ed.. Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 3-16. ISBN 978-0-19-883533-2. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198835332.003.0001
The introductory chapter responds to several goals. It first provides some historical elements concerning the emergence and the development of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP). The project grew out of individual national projects, which initially only aimed at providing a historical and more systematic infrastructure to the study of public policy. The cooperation between those national projects facilitated the emergence of common codebook. This, in turned, encouraged the emergence of comparative projects. Finally, we show that these different steps are currently contributing to redefine and develop the field of comparative public policy.
(2019): The influence of gender composition in a field of study on students’ drop-out of higher education European Journal of Education. 2019, 54(3), pp. 443-456. ISSN 0141-8211. eISSN 1465-3435. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ejed.12357
Combining Tinto's classical model of student drop‐out with Kanter's assessment of minorities, this article examines the influence of gender composition in a field of study on drop‐out from higher education. Our empirical analysis is based on a sample of students who left German higher education in 2014. Our results confirm previous findings that women in gender‐atypical subjects show a higher drop‐out risk than their male fellow students. We assess several mechanisms which could contribute to explain this effect. Contrary to our expectations, social integration, in the sense of contact with lecturers, seems to be a protective factor for women and men in gender‐atypical subjects. For women in gender‐atypical fields of study, contact with peers is an additional protective factor against drop‐out. The most important mechanism to explain higher education drop‐out is women's more negative self‐assessment of their suitability for male‐dominated subjects.
(2019): Political Discussions in Homogeneous and Cross-Cutting Communication Spaces Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI, 2019, pp. 68-79. ISSN 2162-3449. eISSN 2334-0770. ISBN 978-1-57735-806-0
Online platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, provide users with a rich set of features for sharing and consuming political information, expressing political opinions, and exchanging potentially contrary political views. In such activities, two types of communication spaces naturally emerge: those dominated by exchanges between politically homogeneous users and those that allow and encourage crosscutting exchanges in politically heterogeneous groups. While research on political talk in online environments abounds, we know surprisingly little about the potentially varying nature of discussions in politically homogeneous spaces as compared to cross-cutting communication spaces. To fill this gap, we use Reddit to explore the nature of political discussions in homogeneous and cross-cutting communication spaces. In particular, we develop an analytical template to study interaction and linguistic patterns within and between politically homogeneous and heterogeneous communication spaces. Our analyses reveal different behavioral patterns in homogeneous and cross-cutting communications spaces. We discuss theoretical and practical implications in the context of research on political talk online.
(2019): Preferences over income distribution : Evidence from a choice experiment Journal of Economic Psychology. Elsevier. 2019, 74, 102202. ISSN 0167-4870. eISSN 1872-7719. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2019.102202
Using a choice experiment in the lab, we assess the relative importance of different attitudes to income inequality. We elicit subjects’ preferences regarding pairs of payoff distributions within small groups, in a firm-like setting. We find that distributions that satisfy the Pareto-dominance criterion attract unanimous suffrage: all subjects prefer larger inequality provided it makes everyone weakly better off. This is true no matter whether payoffs are based on merit or luck. Unanimity only breaks once subjects’ positions within the income distribution are fixed and known ex-ante. Even then, 75% of subjects prefer Pareto-dominant distributions, but 25% of subjects engage in money burning at the top in order to reduce inequality, even when it does not make anyone better off. A majority of subjects embrace a more equal distribution if their own income or overall efficiency is not at stake. When their own income is at stake and the sum of payoffs remains unaffected, 20% of subjects are willing to pay for a lower degree of inequality.
20 years ago, Zweifel, Felder and Meier (1999) established the by now famous “red-herring” hypothesis, according to which population ageing does not lead to an increase in per capita health care expenditures (HCE) because the observed positive correlation between age and health care expenditures (HCE) in cross-sectional data is exclusively due to the facts that mortality rises with age and a large share of HCE is caused by proximity to death. This hypothesis has spurned a large and still growing literature on the causes and consequences of growing HCE in OECD countries, but the results of empirical studies have been rather mixed. In light of the imminent population ageing in many of these countries it is still being discussed whether unfunded social health insurance systems will be sustainable, in particular as long as they promise to provide universal and unlimited access to medical care including the latest advances. In this paper, we present a critical survey of the empirical literature of the past 20 years on this topic and draw some preliminary conclusions regarding the policy question mentioned above. In doing so we distinguish four different versions of the red herring hypothesis and derive the logical connections between them. This will help to understand what empirical findings are suitable to derive predictions on the future sustainability of HCE.
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