(2020): Geflüchtete, Familien und ihre Kinder : Warum der Blick auf die Familien und die Kindertagesbetreuung entscheidend ist Sozialer Fortschritt. Duncker & Humblot. 2020, 69(8/9), S. 561-577. ISSN 0038-609X. eISSN 1865-5386. Verfügbar unter: doi: 10.3790/sfo.69.8-9.561
Seit 2015 viele Menschen mit Fluchthintergrund nach Deutschland gezogen sind, stand häufig deren Arbeitsmarktintegration im Zentrum des gesellschaftlichen, politischen und wissenschaftlichen Interesses. Lebenslagen und Lebensformen der gefluchteten Familien wurden hingegen viel weniger thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert familiendemografische Daten für Gefluchtete der Herkunftsländer Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Eritrea und verdeutlicht den großen Anteil von Familien mit kleinen Kindern unter den nach Deutschland Gefluchteten. Daten zur Nutzung von Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen von Kindern gefluchteter Familien zeigen, dass institutionelle Kinderbetreuung wesentlich zur Integration und Bildung beitragen kann. Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat für Familienfragen des BMFSFJ versucht, diesen für die Integration zentralen Aspekt in den Diskurs zu Flüchtlingen einzubringen und evidenzbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben.
(2020): Information Provision and Preferences for Education Spending : Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments in three Countries European Journal of Political Economy. Elsevier. 2020, 63, 101876. ISSN 0176-2680. eISSN 1873-5703. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2020.101876
Do citizens' preferences about education policies differ across industrialized countries? To gain comparative evidence on public preferences for education spending, we conduct representative experiments with information treatments in Switzerland using identical survey techniques previously used in Germany and the United States. In Switzerland, providing information about actual spending and salary levels reduces support for increased education spending from 54 to 40 percent and for increased teacher salaries from 27 to 19 percent, respectively. The broad patterns of education policy preferences are similar across the three countries when the role of status-quo and information are taken into account.
(2020): Within-couple distribution of economic resources : a critical review of extant studies and avenues for future research Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia. Ed. Il Mulino. ISSN 0486-0349. Available under: doi: 10.1423/97642
The distribution of economic resources in couples has been widely researched in both economics and sociology since the 1960s. This article reviews the two lines of research starting from unitary models of behavior and encompassing bargaining theory, the relative resource approach, collective goods and transaction cost theory. Furthermore, we contribute to the literature by suggesting ways of enhancing classic theories through new perspectives. Specifically, we discuss how (a) preferences, (b) macro-level characteristics such as institutional and economic conditions, and (c) meso-level factors like networks and extended families, can deepen our understanding of how economic resources are allocated within couples. Finally, we argue that to overcome the idealized vision of social reality, typical of mainstream research on intra-household financial sharing, it is crucial to incorporate the variation of experiences of contemporary families − in terms of socio-demographic characteristics such as class, race, sexual orientation, partnership type or children − into future studies on intra-household distribution of economic resources.
Bericht der Ergebnisse der 9. Welle des EES (European Social Survey) zu dem Themenkomplex Gerechtigkeit und Fairness in Europa. Neben Thomas Hinz waren zahlreiche internationale Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Publikation beteiligt: Jule Adriaans, Sandra Bohmann, Matteo Targa und Stefan Liebig, Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP), Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin); Guillermina Jasso, New York University; Bernhard Kittel, Universität Wien; Clara Sabbagh, University of Haifa.
(2020): Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage : A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias JCDL '20 : Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020. New York, NY: ACM, 2020, pp. 389-392. ISBN 978-1-4503-7585-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3383583.3398619
Traditional media outlets are known to report political news in a biased way, potentially affecting the political beliefs of the audience and even altering their voting behaviors. Many researchers focus on automatically detecting and identifying media bias in the news, but only very few studies exist that systematically analyze how theses biases can be best visualized and communicated. We create three manually annotated datasets and test varying visualization strategies. The results show no strong effects of becoming aware of the bias of the treatment groups compared to the control group, although a visualization of hand-annotated bias communicated bias in-stances more effectively than a framing visualization. Showing participants an overview page, which opposes different viewpoints on the same topic, does not yield differences in respondents' bias perception. Using a multilevel model, we find that perceived journalist bias is significantly related to perceived political extremeness and impartiality of the article.
dc.contributor.author: Asaduzzaman, T. M.; Evans, David K.; Ramachandran, Deepika; Sabarwal, Shwetlena
(2020): Bildungspolitik : zwischen Wettbewerb und sozialem Zusammenhalt LAMMERT, Christan, ed., Markus SIEWERT, ed., Boris VORMANN, ed.. Handbuch Politik USA. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, pp. 447-464. ISBN 978-3-658-23844-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-23845-2_24
Seit Jahrzehnten wird das Bildungssystem der USA von zwei Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, einerseits als zentraler Wirtschafts- und Wohlstandsfaktor zu fungieren und andererseits Chancengleichheit, soziale Integration und gleichen Bildungszugang zu gewährleisten. Die US-Bildungspolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte ist nicht zuletzt deshalb von starkem politischem Aktionismus geprägt, der jedoch – wie von diversen Leistungsvergleichen belegt – nur selten seine Ziele erreichte. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Strukturen und Steuerungsformen des US-amerikanischen Bildungssystems, seinen hohen Dezentralisierungsgrad und marktorientierten Charakter, sowie die historische Entwicklung von sozialer Segregation zu Integration. Vor dem Hintergrund politischer Steuerung und Finanzierung des heutigen Bildungssystems sowie der Rolle verschiedener politischer Akteure werden die jüngsten bildungspolitischen Reformen zur Steigerung von Qualität und Rechenschaft und zur Kostenreduktion des Hochschulstudiums skizziert. Im Kontext von Internationalisierungsprozessen und innenpolitischer Polarisierung werden die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen für die Gestaltung von Bildungspolitik aufgezeigt.
(2020): Crises and Responsiveness : Analysing German Preference Formation during the Eurozone Crisis Political Studies Review. Sage. 2020, 18(4), pp. 491-506. ISSN 1478-9299. eISSN 1478-9302. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1478929919864902
Do crises increase governmental responsiveness to citizens’ policy demands in the European Union? Building on the responsiveness literature, we challenge the claim that well-organized business interests determine governmental preferences in times of crisis. We argue instead, that vote-seeking governments rather account for citizens’ policy demands, given particularly high levels of saliency and public attention prevalent during crises. To test our theory, we analyse the formation of German governmental preferences on Economic and Monetary Union reforms during the Eurozone Crisis. We use novel data from the ‘EMUChoices’ project, public opinion polls as well as newspaper articles and trace the development of the German government’s positioning on reforms such as the new Eurozone bailout fund or the tightening of fiscal governance rules. Our analyses show that the German government, despite intensive lobbying efforts by banks and industry associations, responded rather closely to the demands of the public. On a normative ground, this finding highlights that input legitimacy in European Union decision-making is stronger than oftentimes assumed, at least at the level of governmental preference formation in times of crises.
(2020): Can we directly survey adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions? : Evidence from a list experiment conducted in Germany during the early Corona pandemic Survey Research Methods. European Survey Research Association (ESRA). 2020, 14(2), pp. 205-209. eISSN 1864-3361. Available under: doi: 10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7759
Self-reports of adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions in surveys may be subject to social desirability bias. Existing questioning techniques to reduce bias are rarely used to monitor adherence. We conducted a list experiment to elicit truthful answers to the question whether respondents met friends or acquaintances and thus disregarded the social distancing norm. Our empirical findings are mixed. Using the list experiment, we estimate the prevalence of non-compliant behavior at 28%, whereas the estimate from a direct question is 22%. However, a more permissively phrased direct question included later in the survey yields an estimate of 47%. All three estimates vary consistently across social groups. Interestingly, only the list experiment reveals somewhat higher non-compliance rates among the highly educated compared to those with lower education, yet the variance of the list estimates is considerably higher. We conclude that the list experiment compared unfavorably to simpler direct measurements in our case.
(2020): Perceived global accent in Turkish heritage speakers in Germany : The impact of exposure and use BAYRAM, Fatih, ed.. Studies in Turkish as a Heritage Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020, pp. 207-228. Studies in bilingualism. 60. ISBN 978-90-272-0793-7. Available under: doi: 10.1075/sibil.60.04llo
dc.contributor.author: Stangen, Ilse
(2020): "Not everything is lost" : The role of education during adolescence to mitigate the effects of the early experience of poverty Review of Development Economics. Wiley. 2020, 24(4), pp. 1193-1195. ISSN 1363-6669. eISSN 1467-9361. Available under: doi: 10.1111/rode.12736
dc.contributor.author: Favara, Marta
Die andauernde Belastungsprobe durch die Corona-Krise wirft die Frage auf, wie effizient und gerecht das deutsche Gesundheitssystem ist. Die Einschätzung der Bevölkerung zu seiner allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit und Fairness wird hier anhand neuer repräsentativer Umfragedaten diskutiert. Der Fähigkeit des Systems, Ungleichbehandlungen verschiedener Bevölkerungsgruppen zu vermeiden, wird großes Vertrauen entgegengebracht. Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit in der Krise werden kritischer gesehen, wobei die politische Orientierung eine Rolle spielt: AnhängerInnen der AfD zeigen sich wesentlich skeptischer als diejenigen von CDU/CSU und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Vertrauen in das Gesundheitssystem und politisches Vertrauen, insbesondere in die Wahrheitstreue der Informationspolitik der Bundesregierung, hängen eng zusammen. Gerade der Informationspolitik kommt daher eine besondere Rolle zu, das Vertrauen in das Gesundheitssystem zu erhalten.
(2020): Skills, signals, and employability : An experimental investigation European Economic Review. Elsevier. 2020, 123, 103374. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103374
Because most skills of labor-market entrants are not directly observed by employers, individuals acquire skill signals. To study which signals are valued by employers, we randomize several skill signals on resumes of fictitious applicants among which we ask a large representative sample of German human-resource managers to choose. We find that signals in both studied domains – cognitive and social skills – have significant effects on being invited for a job interview. Consistent with their relevance, expectedness, and credibility, different signals are effective for apprenticeship applicants and college graduates. While GPAs and social skills are significant for both genders, females are particularly rewarded for IT and language skills. Older HR managers value school grades less and other signals more. HR managers in larger firms value college grades more.
Despite numerous studies on the social and political impact of refugees in Europe, we have very little systematic evidence on the impact of refugee settlement on social cohesion in the developing world. Using data gathered in Northern Lebanon, we show that increased salience of the "refugee crisis" decreases natives' trust and prosocial preferences toward refugees, suggesting a negative impact of mass refugee settlement. However, this negative impact is driven exclusively by respondents with no individual exposure to refugees. In fact, despite concerns that refugee settlements may result in local conflict, we find that individual proximity to refugees is positively correlated with trust towards refugees, and that proximity has a positive spillover effect on social capital towards other migrants. This implies that, while the refugee crisis may have had a negative impact on social cohesion, this negative impact is mitigated in areas where natives are in contact with refugees.
Im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Verbundprojektes an der Universität Konstanz, untersucht der Lehrstuhl für Öffentliche Verwaltung und Organisationstheorie (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Eckhard) die öffentliche Wahrnehmung staatlichen Handelns in Krisenzeiten. Vom 26. März bis 6. April 2020 wurden dafür in einem zusätzlichen Modul zur Covid-19 Pandemie über das Umfrageinstitut YouGov 3.077 Personen befragt, die repräsentativ für die deutsche Bevölkerung ab 18 Jahren ausgewählt wurden. Um die Entwicklung über Zeit verfolgen zu können, wird die Umfrage im Rahmen eines Längsschnittdesigns in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten mehrmals wiederholt. Dieses Papier fasst die Ergebnisse der ersten Welle zusammen.
(2020): Newsalyze : Enabling News Consumers to Understand Media Bias JCDL '20 : Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020. New York, NY: ACM, 2020, pp. 455-456. ISBN 978-1-4503-7585-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3383583.3398561
News is a central source of information for individuals to inform themselves on current topics. Knowing a news article's slant and authenticity is of crucial importance in times of "fake news," news bots, and centralization of media ownership. We introduce Newsalyze, a bias-aware news reader focusing on a subtle, yet powerful form of media bias, named bias by word choice and labeling (WCL). WCL bias can alter the assessment of entities reported in the news, e.g., "freedom fighters" vs. "terrorists." At the core of the analysis is a neural model that uses a news-adapted BERT language model to determine target-dependent sentiment, a high-level effect of WCL bias. While the analysis currently focuses on only this form of bias, the visualizations already reveal patterns of bias when contrasting articles (overview) and in-text instances of bias (article view).
Die Corona-Krise verschärft die Ungleichheit in der Europäischen Union (EU). Sie regt eine Debatte um die Zukunft Europas in einer zentralen Frage kritisch an: Inwiefern bedarf das Integrationsprojekt einer verstärkten innereuropäischen Solidarität? Wieviel und welche Art von Hilfe sind die EuropäerInnen bereit, wechselseitig zu leisten? Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter der deutschen Wohnbevölkerung zeichnen ein gemischtes Bild: Während die Bereitschaft zu medizinischer Solidarität hoch ist, zeigt sich nur eine begrenzte Bereitschaft zur Unterstützung fi nanzieller Umverteilungsmaßnahmen. Dementsprechend gilt es, die Solidaritätspotentiale für ein geeintes, zukunftsfähiges Europa mit begrenzter Ungleichheit durch ideational leadership zu mobilisieren – insbesondere mit Blick auf die deutsche EU Ratspräsidentschaft in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2020.
(2020): Pulling the Strings? : The Strategic Use of Pro-Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes Comparative Political Studies. Sage Publications. 2020, 53(1), pp. 71-108. ISSN 0010-4140. eISSN 1552-3829. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0010414019843559
Protest against authoritarian rule is a well-studied phenomenon in the social sciences, but mass rallies in favor of authoritarian regimes have received only limited scholarly attention. While previous work has portrayed authoritarian regimes as characterized by mass apathy and political demobilization, we show that this is only partially true today. We argue that autocrats mobilize their supporters selectively as a strategic response to political threats. Rallies increase collective action costs for rivaling elites, opposition movements, and bystanders because they signal regime strength (deterrence) and curb mobilization efforts against the regime (repression). Nevertheless, the mobilization of supporters is costly, as autocrats have only imperfect information about current levels of support, rallies require organizational capacity and clashes between supporters and opponents can get out of control. Drawing on the first global data set with information about pro-government rally events in all authoritarian regimes from 2003 to 2015, our quantitative analysis reveals systematic patterns in the occurrence of rallies in line with our theoretical framework. We find systematic increases in pro-government mobilization during episodes of large domestic and regional opposition mobilization, high coup risk, and prior to elections.
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