Cover of the Inequality magazine no. 6

(In)equality of Opportunities

In numerous research projects, we deal with various aspects of social inequality: meritocracy, education, social mobility and the promise of advancement. In particular, we analyse educational inequalities from various perspectives: How are their extent and causes perceived? What consequences do they have for the acceptance of the education system and the willingness to change something? What role does educational inequality play in political attitudes and participation? The following will give you an initial insight. 

When Research Questions Emerge from Your Own Life - Interview with Christina Felfe de Ormeño

“During the pandemic, you were expected to be in the lecture hall or, in my case, the virtual lecture hall, working full-time, providing childcare and home- schooling—and that just wasn’t possible. I reached my limits and could hardly sleep at night at first.”
Christina Felfe de Ormeño

Christina Felfe de Ormeño is a full-time professor, Principal Investigator at our Cluster and has three children. In March 2020, she – like many other parents – had lots to manage, including work and caring for her children. She explains in an interview how this challenging situation led her to conduct a research project where the results were widely discussed, even outside academia.

Insight in our Research

[Translate to Englisch:] Auszug aus dem Inequality magazin Beitrag von Marius Busemeyer

What Covid Teaches Us about Digitalization in Schools.

In many OECD countries, citizens rate the quality of their national education system based on the degree of digitalization. Germany is an exception: Here, the school system gets higher overall approval ratings than the state of digitalization. Marius R. Busemeyer on the results of an international survey.

[Translate to Englisch:] Textauszug des Artikels Religiöse Praxis

Religious Practice, Identity and Learning Outcomes

Fasting during Ramadan might have a negative impact on stu- dents’ performance in school - or so one would think. However, an international comparative analysis shows that intensive Ramadan fasting has a positive effect on school performance, especially in Muslim countries. In other countries, Muslim students, after intensive fasting, catch-up with their non-Muslim classmates, who on average perform better.

“The System Is Stupid.”
Arthouse Cinema Meets Social Science

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At our second "Film & Talk" event, where we make our findings from inequality research accessible to a wider audience, we showed the documentary "KALLE KOSMONAUT". Over the course of 10 years, directors Tine Kugler and Günther Kurth followed the initially 10-year-old Kalle as he grew up in a Berlin neighbourhood and show how social inequality can determine a biography. We interviewed Tine Kugler about her long-term project for the In_equality magazine. The sociologist and research associate at our Cluster of Excellence, Katja Pomianowicz, complements the interview with a sociological categorisation of the topic.