[Translate to Englisch:] Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin mit Mikrophon auf Bühne einer Konferenz
[Translate to Englisch:] Foto: Ines Janas

Working together

Participation and representation of early career reseachers

Assembly of Early Career Researchers and Spokespersons

The Cluster’s Early Career Researchers are organized in the Assembly of Early Career Researchers. The assembly meets on a regular basis to discuss issues relevant to the Early Career Researchers community. It also organizes yearly retreats, inviting to trainings and expert workshops.

Two elected Spokespersons represent the interests of the Early Career Researchers on the Cluster Board. The current spokespersons are Theresa Wieland (doctoral researcher) and Rebecca Strauch (postdoctoral researcher).

Code of Practice

For establishing a positive working environment, Early Career Researchers and Principal Investigators of the Cluster have agreed upon a "Code of Practice". It describes guidelines for the rights and responsibilities of each party, aims at cultivating a rewarding feed-back culture and offers orientation for an adequate balance between project and qualification work.

Person of Trust

In the event of conflict in the working relationship between Early Career Researchers and Principal Investigators, the Cluster Person of Trust can be called upon for confidential moderation and advice whenever third-party advice is considered beneficial.

The Person of Trust can be called regardless of the right to refer to the university ombudspersons. Therefore, the Person of Trust is complementary to the Ombudspersons for research for question of good scientific practice and the Ombudspersons for Doctoral Research on potential violations of the supervision contract between doctoral researchers and their supervisors.

Person of Trust: Prof. Dr. Theodoros Marinis