Sociology with a Focus on Social Movements

Aims and Central Research Questions

The research of the working group is primarily concerned with the genesis of social movements, their organization, and their perception in the public sphere. Under what social and political conditions do movements emerge? What prompts people to join a movement? What tactics are used by movements and what influence do they have on public opinion? These and related questions are examined from both a national and comparative perspective and analyzed by means of a sociological toolkit. The aim is to gain a better understanding of movements as a specific form of organized reaction to real and perceived inequalities.

In addition, the group also conducts research on topics such as protest, solidarity and civic engagement. Like movements, these represent possible reactions to perceptions of inequality and are woven into a network of norms, expectations and discourses. Of particular interest here are the factors that lead to their success (e.g. implementing political demands) or failure.

The group's work draws methodologically and analytically on political sociology and, in so doing, attempts to understand inequality both as the driving force of movements and protests and as the backdrop against which they take place.

- Standardised population and protest surveys
- Survey experiments
- Expert interviews


Startindg Date
November 2021

Project Partner

Prof. Dr. Adrian Rinscheid (Universität St. Gallen)

Find more information about Adrian Rinscheid here.

Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley (Georgetown University, USA)

Find more information about Tim Bartley here.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Sachweh (Universität Bremen)

Find more information about Patrick Sachweh here.



Bitschnau, M.; Koos, S. (2024): Die schweigende Mehrheit auf der Straße?: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Teilnehmer:innen an den Protesten gegen Rechtsextremismus. Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".Policy Paper Series, No. 15.

Strauch, R.; Jansesberger, V.; Koos, S.; Spilker, G. (2024): Voices of Change in the Global South : Understanding the Dynamics of Environmental Protest

Kunze, F.; Korman, B. A.; Apostolidou, A.; Diehl, C.; Koos, S.; Maué, E.; Moser, S.; Reinwald, M.; Schumann, S. (2023): Wie gelingt die Integration junger Zugewanderter in den Arbeitsmarkt? : Das Integration@Work-Projekt

Korman, B. A.; Kunze, F.; Koos, S. (2023): How Political Context Affects Immigrants’ Social Contact Dynamics and Mental Health at Work. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management. 2023, 2023(1). ISSN 0065-0668. eISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/amproc.2023.70bp

Rinscheid, A.; Koos, S. (2023): War and pandemic do not jeopardize Germans’ willingness to support climate measures Communications Earth & Environment. Springer. 2023, 4(1), 101. eISSN 2662-4435. Available under: doi: 10.1038/s43247-023-00755-z