Copyright: Åse M.P. Pulk/Sámediggi

New Article: Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies

Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, have just published an article entitled “Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway” in the international journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.

In the article, authors Rusen Yasar, Fabian Bergmann, Anika Lloyd-Smith, Sven-Patrick Schmid, Katharina Holzinger and Tanja Kupisch, examine the inequalities experienced by the Sámi, the only Indigenous people in Europe, in egalitarian societies.

Using original data from a population survey conducted in northern Norway and northern Sweden they evaluate hypotheses about the relationships between social, economic, cultural, and political inequalities and experiences of discrimination. The findings show a highly significant positive relationship between being Sámi and the likelihood of experiencing discrimination. In contrast to the situation of many other Indigenous peoples, however, this is not accompanied by material inequality. Instead, the ethnic inequalities the Sámi are facing seem to have a strong socio-cultural aspect, what is highlighted by the finding that Sámi language use is a particularly strong predictor of experiencing discrimination.

Read the full article here.