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Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the “Progressive Governance Summit”

Gerald Schneider and members of his team joined this year's "Progressive Governance Summit" in Berlin. The conference was hosted by the think tank "Das Progressive Zentrum" (DPZ). The Cluster co-designed a panel on the topic of migration and integration.

The event entitled "Escaping the Backlash? Inclusive Immigration and Integration in Europe" stimulated discussion about progressive immigration and integration policies based on current research. Participants included T. Vicky Germain, Board Member of Migrationsrat e.V. and Project Manager for cusbu (CommUnities Support for BIPoC Refugees from Ukraine), Marc Helbling, Chair of Sociology, Migration and Integration at the University of Mannheim, and Ruxandra Ivan, State Counsellor for European Affairs to the Prime Minister of Romania and Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest.

The University of Konstanz was represented by Gerald Schneider, Professor of International Politics, as well as Stefanie Rueß and Maren Lüdeke, members of Schneider's research project “Administrative Inequality: The Case of Foreign Nationals in Germany (AdmIn)“. The event was hosted by Andreas Oldenbourg, Senior Project Manager at the DPZ.

The "Progressive Governance Summit" is organized by the think tank DPZ, a long-standing partner of the Cluster. This year's conference was dedicated to the topic "Championing Change in Times of Uncertainty" and took place from June 21-22, 2024 in Berlin.