University of Konstanz survey of 3,200 people shows: Trust in the healthcare system and the national government during the coronavirus crisis dependent upon political orientation.
University of Konstanz study shows: Those who demand an easing of restrictions often do so because they worry about consequences for society as a whole – or because they distrust the state
University of Konstanz study shows: The majority of staff would like to continue working remotely even in the time after the coronavirus. A “right to working from home”, however, is controversial.
Claudia Diehl, Co-Sprecherin des Exzellenzclusters "The Politics of Inequality", erklärt im Interview, warum jeder von uns ab und an einen rassistischen Gedanken hat
The interim results of an international survey on work life during the coronavirus pandemic with participation of the University of Konstanzʼs Experimental Psychology and Internet Science (iScience) research group suggest an increase in perceived inequality.
On 28 April 2020, the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration published its latest report, which focuses on migration from Africa. In an interview, Claudia Diehl and Daniel Thym, the Konstanz members of the Expert Council, comment on specific aspects of the report. You can read the full interview on, the online magazine of the University of Konstanz.
Interview with on the topic of home schooling and reopening schools: Konstanz education researcher, Professor Axinja Hachfeld, says that we risk setbacks in equal access to education and gender equality. In an interview with, she criticizes the federal government’s current decision to reopen schools, citing a lack of planability for educational institutions as well as a lack of long-term policy regarding the social consequences.