Workshop: Introduction to Python
8. - 9. July 2021
Cluster of Excellence - The Politics of Inequality
Sebastian Nagel
This event is part of an event series „Methods Hub Training“.
Python is a programming language that found wide-spread adoption in data science, machine learning, and web-development applications while valuing code-readability. This course offers a two-day introduction to some core-features that Python offers to social scientists. The course will predominantly focus on applying Python in practice by teaching participants how to scrape websites, to train machine-learning algorithms, and to process text in an automated fashion. The course is taught by Dr. Sebastian Nagel who has more than 15 years of programming experience. To ensure that everyone is on the same level, participants are expected to complete a short online course introducing researchers to the basic concepts of Python beforehand. The course aims to provide and explain hands-on examples that participants can then adapt to their own needs and research interests.
The workshop will take place in an in-person format if the pandemic situation allows for it. Registration is necessary, only a limited number of places are available.
Participation: Restricted, only Cluster members
Registration: Yes - here.