Student Assistants

The ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor, the rise of populists worldwide, the sharing of burdens in the fight against climate change, the injustices in the education system – whatever else current debates are about, they are always about inequality, too. These issues are so complex that science is still struggling with them.

This is where we and our Cluster of Excellence come in and investigate "The Politics of Inequality" – the political causes and consequences of inequality.

We are looking for

Student Assistants for the Managing Office of the Cluster "The Politics of Inequality"

Up to 40h/month, starting in August or September 2024.

Student assistants can support the Managing Office at the Cluster in many ways. Positions are available in the following areas:

  1. IT, Webpage, tech support and infrastructure
  2. Science communication, event organisation and outreach
  3. Method Hub (data analysis)

 Reliable and detail-oriented work habits, software knowledge (MS Office), good communication skills and initiative are of great advantage for these activities. Depending on the chosen field, an affinity for technology, additional software (such as Typo3, Adobe Creative Suite), and good language skills (writing, English) will be very useful.

We offer an attractive, diversified job with proximity to research and the opportunity to gain experience in science management. Working in a young team and insights into the development of an extensive research network also provide valuable qualifications for future positions in studies and work.

For further information on the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality", please visit the website at

We look forward to receiving applications from interested and creative students, including a CV, a short letter of motivation, and a current Transcript of Records, summarised in a PDF. Applications can be handed in via e-mail to application.inequality(at) in English or German under the heading "Application Student Assistant".