Cooperative Breeding Database (Co-BreeD)

An updatable, peer-reviewed and fair database on socio-biological parameters of cooperative breeding birds and mammals

Curated by: Yitzchak Ben Mocha, Maike Woith and Michael Griesser

Database structure

Co-BreeD is a database consisting of multiple separate datasets. Each of these datasets presents estimates of a socio-biological parameter at the population level of the species. A detailed account of the definition and methodology used to curate each dataset can be found in the publication that accompanies each dataset.

The database will be uploaded to Zenodo (an open-access repository) early in 2024.

The first Co-BreeD dataset will provide estimates of the prevalence of breeding units with potential alloparents in more than 158 populations of 95 bird and mammal species.

Included species

To allow free choice of definition of cooperative breeding, Co-BreeD provides objective estimates of socio-biological parameters. It, thereby, enables users to filter those species that fulfil the criteria of their chosen cooperative breeding definition.

Species included in Co-BreeD are species that were considered by some researchers as cooperative or communal breeders. These species are not all qualified as cooperative breeders by all or some definition of cooperative breeders (see discussion in Ben Mocha et al. 2023). Co-BreeD users are thus strongly advised to choose a specific definition of cooperative breeding and carefully filter those species that fulfil the criteria set by this definition.

Peer review

We aim that each data entry will be checked by at least two experts of cooperative breeding and, in addition, by a co-author of the publication from which the estimate was calculated. Note, however, that not all data entries have gone through this strict quality control yet. The verification status of each data entry is indicated in the dataset.

Updatable database

Co-BreeD is an updatable database that is consistently being expanded with new data entries on new populations, species and socio-biological parameters. This also enables us to correct potential errors.

Please notify the curator of the database if you find any error.

How to contribute

We are committed to fair acknowledgement!

To contribute from your own data, please (i) carefully follow the relevant paper describing the methodology we used to calculate estimates for this socio-biological parameter, (ii) fill in the relevant data according to the database structure (in Excel sheet), and (iii) send us the curator together with the publication from which the estimate was calculated to (ideally you would highlight the relevant texts in your paper). Preferably, you would also send us the row data and allow us to add it to public database. (iv) After reviewing your data, we will contact you with either approval or a request for further information.

Data contributors would be invited to join as co-authors to the next methodological paper of Co-BreeD.

Work on Co-BreeD was supported by the Young Scholar Foundation at Konstanz University