A cluster of Red Colobus (Piliocolobus tholloni) monkeys in their sleeping tree in the early morning; LKBP © T.Deville 2023

Picturing Congo’s high frontier

Sharing knowledge about LuiKotale’s hidden canopy communities

Rainforests are among the most species-rich habitats on earth. Since 2002, the LuiKotale Bonobo Project (LKBP) investigates the role of bonobos in the central lowland rainforests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Well over 40 mammal species are known from direct observation and camera traps on ground. Here, the collective behaviour of mammals and birds inhabiting the study area’s 3rd dimension shall be documented over six months by Tanguy Deville, a professional tree climber, ornithologist, and nature photographer. By that, we assess the canopy’s potential for future studies, validate the arboreal catchment area of the camera traps serving 24/7 observations, and provide novel, high quality footage on CASCB relevant species suitable for public outreach.