Quantitative Methods in Marine Biology


10 June -19 July, 2019


University of Konstanz, Germany. STARESO field station, Corsica, Italy.

This is a field-based course taught partly at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and partly at the STARESO marine biology field station in Corsica, Italy.

This course is generously supported by the Centre for the Advanced Study for Collective Behaviour.


Observing animals in their natural habitat offers unparalleled understanding of how and why they behave the way they do. But at the same time, ease and availability of technology make it possible to collect vast amounts of data, which in turn require special training for meaningful interpretation.

The course Quantitative Methods in Marine Biology aims to fill this new niche in modern behavioural biology. By bringing students in touch with a team of international experts across disciplines, the course synergizes a cutting-edge curriculum spanning animal behaviour, evolutionary theory, and hands-on training in underwater field work, animal tracking, programming, and deep learning.

Students learn a suite of interdisciplinary skills at the cutting edge of research in behavioural biology by way of lectures, workshops, and field experiments over a six-week time period – two of which are spent in the biodiversity hot spot and pristine waters of the STARESO field station in Corsica.

Program Directors

Alex Jordan, Max Planck Department of Collective Behaviour

Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, University of Konstanz
