Two researchers in front of an experimental set-up
PhD Candidate Max Capelle and DAAD RISE intern Halley Dante discuss the results of their current experiment in the larval zebrafish lab.
Copyright: Elisabeth Böker

DAAD RISE internship

Being an undergraduate student is an important time in a researcher’s career and life. They are learning new things in the classroom and figuring out what specialties they find interesting, all whilst trying to get their foot in the door of hands-on research. There are many programs offered that help students find research opportunities, and one of those is the DAAD RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) program that the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour here at the University of Konstanz participates in. The program is open to undergraduate students from North American, British, and Irish universities who wish to spend a summer research internship at a German research institution. The program language is English, and each student is provided a three-month stipend to help cover living expenses.

In the past, the CASCB has welcomed many international DAAD Rise Interns to the Cluster who have provided new perspectives and hard work for their research groups and mentors. The undergraduate students have had great experiences here in Konstanz.

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Meet the interns

Halley Dante

In summer 2022 Halley Dante, an undergraduate student from Loyola Marymount University, completed her internship in neuroscience at the University of Konstanz. It was a great opportunity for her to get into research in this field, even being able to start her own project about individuality and phototactic preference in larval zebrafish that gave her “insight into the challenges of research.” Halley not only enjoyed her research in Konstanz, but also loved being able to travel around, as it was her first time in Europe. She said, “I was able to experience so many new cultures and learn about so much history that gave me this newfound perspective of the world.” She shared her experience in a video that won her first place in the RISE video contest.

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Claire Wong

Claire Wong is a neuroscience major from Case Western Reserve University who completed her internship in Konstanz in summer 2022. She was able to work on multiple projects and came up with the idea to track the antennae of locusts with DeepLabCut which is an efficient method for 2D and 3D markerless pose estimation based on transfer learning with deep neural networks. Claire “was very proud of that project” and “loved living and working and learning in Konstanz.”

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Élyse Zadigue-Dubé

McGill University undergraduate student Élyse Zadigue-Dubé completed her internship in neuroscience in Konstanz in the summer of 2022. During her time in Konstanz she worked under the supervision of Akhila Mudunuri in Katrin Vogt’s lab and when asked about her internship she said that “working in the CASCB was a fulfilling experience.” Her focus was on understanding the effect of rearing density on Drosophila melanogaster larval group behaviour, and she found very exciting results about how isolating the larvae from the egg stage drastically changes how they interact with their conspecifics. When sharing her experience, Élyse said “I have learned so much during my time here. I am truly grateful to the DAAD for ensuring my internship progressed smoothly.”

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