Cluster members sitting in a lecture hall
Collective behaviour assembly © E. Böker, CASCB

General assembly

The General Assembly is comprised of all Cluster members.

Every four years, the Cluster members elect three spokespersons (Executive Board) who must belong to the group of full-time university teachers. Every two years, the Cluster members elect the Board members with the exception of the Executive Board and the representative of the junior research group leaders and postdoctoral researchers as well as the representative of the doctoral researchers. Candidates may be re-elected.

The General Assembly convenes at least once per year. It is convened after the Spokespersons send a written invitation to all Cluster members with a notice period of at least 14 days; the agenda for the meeting is sent to all members at least seven days before the meeting.

The General Assembly must be convened within four weeks at the request of at least 25% of the Cluster members. The request must include a proposal for the agenda.

The Spokespersons preside over and chair the meetings.

The General Assembly is responsible for:

  • passing resolutions regarding recommendations for and amendments to the bylaws;
  • the election and dismissal of members in accordance with these bylaws;
  • accepting the Executive Board’s report;
  • passing resolutions regarding the Cluster’s overall funding proposal submitted to the German Research Foundation;
  • making proposals regarding the termination of the Cluster;
  • advising on policy matters regarding the internal allocation of funds.

In elections, the candidate who receives the absolute majority of votes from the members of the General Assembly is elected. If this majority is not achieved in the first ballot, present members will carry out a second ballot to elect the candidate with an absolute majority of votes. In the third ballot, a relative majority of votes from the present members will suffice. In the case of a tie, lots are drawn. The General Assembly decides on (the amendments to) the bylaws as well as pro-posals to terminate the Cluster with a quorum of 60 % of all members.