© Sarah Cristiantelli, Mariana Mendes Dos Santos, Merz Akademie

1,2,3 - in the place to be

We kindly invite you to the final presentation of the latest sci-art project between the Merz Akademie, University of Applied Arts, Design and Media, Stuttgart, and the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour on 3 July, starting with an opening event at 1:30 pm in ZT 702. Afterwards, you can experience the virtual worlds in ZT 701 and ZT 9 until 4 pm.

What if the next online presentation takes place in a virtual laboratory environment? Showing data interactively? Visiting a virtual world together from different locations?

In cooperation with researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour, eight design students from the Merz Akademie, created interactive worlds with integrated live video streams and avatars in VR. Over the course of fifteen weeks, they worked on the representation of research projects and data, the integration of live media, and concepts for experiential learning and presentation in a shared virtual world.

Final presentation: 3 July, 1:30 pm, ZT 702. Afterwards, you can experience the virtual worlds in ZT 701 and ZT 9 until 4 pm.

Further information