Workshop on using mathematical methods and analysis to solve problems in collective behaviour
Wednesday, 30. January 2019
15:15 - 17:00
F 426
Stephan Volkwein
Depts of Maths, Biology, Economics, Computer Science
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics will be hosting a special workshop that will target collective behavior problems using mathematical methods and analysis.
The meeting will bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines—Biology, Computer Science, and Economics—who are facing hard, and thus interesting, mathematical problems in their collective behavior research.
Skills that will be covered include:
- numerical optimisation (scalar, multiobjective, discrete, ...)
- dynamical systems (ODEs and/or PDEs)
- optimal control and design of differential equations (closed- and open-loop)parameter estimation/inverse problems.
The workshop will occur on Wednesday 30 January, at 3:15 pm in F 426 (coffee and tea from 3 pm). If you'd like to attend, please contact Stephan Volkwein.
Workshop attendees will include:
- Group of Giovanni Gallizia
- Group of Martin Wikelski (Kamran Safi)
- Group of Iain Couzin (Mate Nagy)
Computer Science
- Group of Bastian Goldlücke
- Group of Falk Schreiber
- Group of Tatjana Petrov
Group of Winfried Pohlmeier (Roxana Halbleib)