What we mean when we talk about Race
Wednesday, 2. December 2020
12:00 - 13:00
Andrea Lailach-Hennrich, University of Konstanz
This event is part of an event series „Racism in Academia“.
Andrea Lailach-Hennrich is an Associated Fellow of Zukunftskolleg, an affiliated member in the Department of Philosophy, and a lecturer in the Departments of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz.
What we mean when we talk about Race
Why is race an issue worth to discuss in academic circles? The most obvious answer is that it poses severe social injustice. In order to understand why this is the case and more importantly how we can change it we have to understand how the concept “race” works in our language. What is its explanatory and epistemic role? Does “race” pick out a real entity and if so, what kind? In my talk, I will give a brief overview of the current debate, explain why we need to talk about “race” and what the epistemic costs are if we don’t.
Here is the link to join the meeting:
Accesse Code: 652363243
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