University Day 2022: Collective Behavior Rules!

1. - 2. June 2022
9:00 - 13:00

Universität Konstanz (Raum Zt1201)

Centre of the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB)

Ahmed El Hady

This event is part of an event series „CASCB Seminar Series Summer 2022“.

Ahmed El Hady,

"University Day" is a fixed part of the Hegau-Bodensee Seminar which provides the chance for pupils to do research directly with scientists and experience recent research done at universities at eye level. Supported by lectures, workshops and excursions the pupils tackle chosen topics in collaborating working groups.

"Collective Behavior Rules!"
Workshop Ahmed El Hady

Can you imagine a world where human beings are just acting alone?
Can our species survive without collective action?

In this seminar, we will go through fascinating examples of collective behavior
from all over the animal kingdom from ants to locusts to rats to
non-human and human primates. Our evolutionary history is full
of fascinating examples and is a testimony of how important
collective behavior is. The seminar will acquaint the students with
the importance of studying collective behavior and how it has
implications for real life problems like in a pandemic situation and
vaccination campaigns.