The evolution of human families

Friday, 22. November 2019
11:45 - 13:15


Gisela Kopp, Zukunftskolleg

Richard McElreath, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

This event is part of an event series „Animal Sociality Seminar“.

Richard McElreath is Director of the Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Richard is an evolutionary ecologist who studies humans. His main interest is in how the evolution of fancy social learning in humans accounts for the unusual nature of human adaptation and extraordinary scale and variety of human societies. Humans are more widespread and successful than any other vertebrate. Simultaneously, humans are unlike any other animal in that we cooperate in very large groups of unrelated individuals. Richard and his colleagues use formal evolutionary models, experiments and ethnographic fieldwork to address these puzzles.

"The evolution of human families"

(Abstract TBA)

Polyandry in Nepal. Image courtesy of Richard McElreath