Rigorous Systems Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems
Monday, 18. February 2019
13:00 - 14:30
Tatjana Petrov
artocci Ezio Bartocci, TU Vienna
The proliferation of smart cyber-physical systems (CPS) is driven by many application domains and is deeply affecting our society. For instance, unmanned aerial vehicles are being deployed in search and rescue missions. Wireless sensor networks are becoming widely used for health, environment and industrial monitoring. Autonomous cars have been subjected to intensive research and development in the past years, with the motivation to minimize human-caused accidents.
The term CPS was first coined in 2006 by the program director of the US NSF Helen Gill, to indicate “engineering, physical and biological systems whose operations are integrated, monitored, and/or controlled by a computational core" where computing is deeply embedded into every physical component, possibly even into materials. The CPS behaviour is typically characterized by the nonlinear (often stochastic) interaction between discrete (computing device) and the physical substratum that obeys to continuous physical laws. CPS display emergent behaviours (i.e., traffic jams, congestion) resulting from the interactions among system components, and which cease to exist when specific components are removed from the systems.
As the complexity of these systems increases, so does the range of spatial and temporal emergent behavioural properties that they can exhibit. As a consequence, a major research challenge is to devise tools and techniques for the efficient and rigorous analysis of such behaviours, in addition to develop design techniques for the automatic optimization and adaptation of CPS to meet the desired temporal and spatial requirements.
In this special seminar, Enzio Bartocci will talk about the state-of-the-art on rigorous systems engineering of cyber-physical systems and provide an overview of some of the techniques that he has developed to address these problems. The theory and methods Bartocci uses have applications for modelling of collective behaviour, such as spatio-temporal logics for expressing the system dynamics, or efficient, automated extraction of logical properties from data.
Join us on Monday, 18 February from 13:00-14:30, in P0602 at the University of Konstanz.
Ezio Bartocci is at the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, as a University Assistant, where he has been a tenure-track Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, since 2015. The primary focus of his research is to develop formal methods, computational tools and techniques that support the modeling and the automated analysis of complex computational systems, including software systems, cyber-physical systems and biological systems.