Introduction to the German Education System, Research Careers and Sources of Funding

Thursday, 5. December 2019
14:00 - 17:00


Academic Staff Development, UKn

Academic Staff Development, University of Konstanz

Course Type: Information session

Target Group: Doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers

Continuing your academic career in a new country always raises a lot of questions. The goal of this seminar is to give an overview of the German education and higher education system as well as to provide you with the most important information on academic careers in Germany.

The seminar is divided into two parts. You are free to join one or both parts of the workshop.

In the first part of the course, a general introduction is given to the German education system and intercultural insights into Germany will be shared. In the second part of the course, specific information for an academic career for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers will be given and funding programs that target junior researchers from abroad will be introduced. This comprehensive information session will support your successful start in Germany.

To register, visit the Academic Staff Development page here

Contents in brief

 Part I:

- Structures and institutions of the German education and higher education system

- Structures and support services at the University of Konstanz

- Intercultural insights into Germany

Part II:

- Academic careers at the doctoral and postdoctoral level

- Funding schemes at the University of Konstanz and external funding organizations