Effects of an unusual foraging specialisation in a dolphin population

Monday, 25. November 2019
11:45 - 12:45


Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour

Fábio Daura Jorge, Federal University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis Campus

This event is part of an event series „Seminar Series of CASCB“.

View the recording of Fábio's talk here

Fábio Daura Jorge is an adjunt Professor in the Department of Ecology and Zoology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis.  Campus. He is an ecologist focused on ecological and behavioral aspects of small cetaceans. His work involves the following subjects: estimation of population parameters, description of social patterns, spatial patterns and food ecology, behavioral reading by strategic games, implications of individual choices for population dynamics, and implications for conservation biology and natural resource management.

Effects of an unusual foraging specialisation in a dolphin population

Behavioural specialisation can evolve as a complementary route to competition and have far-reaching implications for individual fitness and population processes. In this talk I will discuss the causes and consequences of an unusual foraging specialisation in which wild dolphins cooperate with artisanal fishermen to catch mullets. Why are dolphins motivated to help fishermen? What are the benefits for dolphins and the effects for population level? Is this rare system stable or threatened? And what do we know after 12 years of studies and what do we want to know?

Image by Pedro Narra/NPL/Minden Pictures, Haika Magazine